All Henry J. Morgan 's Paintings
The Painting Names Are Sorted From A to Z

Choice ID Image  Paintings (From A to Z)       Details 
83043 HMS 'Boadicea'  HMS 'Boadicea'   HMS 'Boadicea', by Henry J. Morgan. Oil on canvas, 34 x 59 cm. Date 1892 - 1894 cjr
83038 HMS 'Bonaventure'  HMS 'Bonaventure'   HMS 'Bonaventure', by Henry J. Morgan. Oil on canvas, 35 x 59.2 cm. Date 1894 - 1895 cjr
82075 HMS 'Excellent' and HMS 'Illustrious' by Henry J. Morgan  HMS 'Excellent' and HMS 'Illustrious' by Henry J. Morgan   HMS 'Excellent' and HMS 'Illustrious' by Henry J. Morgan. Oil on canvas, 40 x 60 cm. Date circa. 1860s cjr
83044 HMS 'Fox'  HMS 'Fox'   HMS 'Fox', by Henry J. Morgan. Oil on canvas, 34 x 59 cm. Date 1896 - 1898 cjr
82285 HMS 'Marlborough'  HMS 'Marlborough'   HMS 'Marlborough' off Gibraltar, by Henry J. Morgan. Oil on canvas, 41 x 61.5 cm. Date circa. 1860 cjr
83067 HMS 'Penelope'  HMS 'Penelope'   HMS 'Penelope', by Henry J. Morgan. Oil on canvas, 34 x 59 cm. Date 1885-1887 cjr
85736 llustrious  llustrious   Oil on canvas, 40 x 60 cm. Date circa. 1860s cyf

Henry J. Morgan
painted HMS 'Excellent' and HMS 'Illustrious' by Henry J. Morgan in 1860s

China Oil Painting Studio Team